Principal's Corner

Welcome to E.J. King High School

For those of you who are new to Sasebo, the school is the only high school for our US Navy seafarers in Sasebo and all of their children attend our elementary, middle or high school. We are funded by the Department of Defense and sustained by all of you and our school personnel. Once you are a student of this school, you will have a special place in your heart for E.J. King Middle and High School. I hope that your time with us will be educationally meaningful for you.

Middle School and High School is a time of change. The workload and social adjustments are greater here than at the elementary or middle school level. You are expected to attend school regularly, complete ALL assignments, and behave appropriately. Your years will be exciting and rewarding and filled with many new opportunities.

The Parent/Student Handbook, the DoDDS School Calendar, and the Sasebo Complex Schools' calendar of events will be provided to you via e-mail. If you do not receive the information, please e-mail our Office Administration Clerk, It is very important to read all items in the Parent/Student Handbook carefully. Students are responsible for knowing the contents of their handbook. Please review it with your child(ren), sign the last page, and return to the school office. Each student is required to review and sign the handbook.

Our enrollment fluctuates from 250-280, from seventh through twelfth grades. We offer a comprehensive high school with courses in Advanced Placement (AP), Career and Technical Education, NROTC, Art, Drama, Chorus, Band, World Languages in addition to the core subjects in Language Arts, Social Studies, Mathematics, Science, Physical Science, and Health.

Being a small school and wanting to provide a comprehensive course load to enable our students to transition smoothly back to a stateside school, the Master Schedule Committee has a daunting task in coming up with our class schedule and equalizing the class enrollment. Your child's course schedule may not be perfect. We will work through your concerns and try to come up with a compromise. Expect to have schedule changes made in the first week of school. Please communicate with our school counselors for program change requests.

As a school, we will work together on our School Improvement Action Plan, which is inclusive of our literacy goals in critical thinking, reading, writing, and numeracy. We assess students twice a year in pre and post writing assignments and Scholastic Reading Inventor (SRI). We will work with intentionality and accountability with a laser focus on improving students' college and career readiness.

I am looking forward to the coming year as we work together to improve student achievement and to provide a personalized learning experience. I commend our staff for their untiring dedication and commitment.

Our goal is to provide all students with the opportunity to excel in academics, athletics, and fine arts so that they may become positive, contributing members of our school and community. Another goal is to increase our scholarship recipients and college acceptances without remediation. It will take the collective wisdom and effort to achieve our goal of EXCELLENCE. Commendations to our faculty, staff, parents, and students for providing guidance, support, and commitment in making E.J. King the best we can be.


Ms. Catherine Mince, Assistant Principal

Ms. Catherine Mince

PSC 476 Box 9
CFA Sasebo
FPO, AP 96322-0009
United States

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